The Calling Lakes District Planning Commission
is a regional planning group, sanctioned by government, which includes members from:
- The Town of Fort Qu’Appelle
- RM of North Qu’Appelle No. 187
- Resort Village of Fort San
- Resort Village of B-Say-Tah
- Lebret
- The District of Katepwa
View the Calling Lakes District Plan
These groups are the signatory’s on a formal agreement that created the Planning Commission for the Calling Lakes. These signatory’s also put the money up front to get the group operating. Since inception our formal group has been expanded to include representatives from the Treaty 4 Tribal Council, Fort Chamber of Commerce, and Lipton, the Regina Regional Opportunity Commission, the Parks Department, Highways and many other government departments that have an interest in a particular agenda item.
Our Commission itself has no legal our legislative authority. Decisions made at the Commission level must be ratified by our individual councils. The Commission’s set of goals are intended to provide direction and guidance to the action and decision that each municipality in the district will make.
Our main interests are:
- To preserve and protect the natural beauty of the Qu’Appelle Valley.
- To promote healthy and appropriate growth by creating consistent and general guidelines that protect the natural environment, both land and water, within the Qu’Appelle Valley from unsuitable or harmful development.
- To enhance the existing economic base and attract new opportunities that will support and enhance the lifestyle of the area.
- To create a four season family destination experience with numerous recreational, cultural and heritage opportunities.
- To promote efficient and cost saving development (where services and transportation networks to support that development exist or are proposed) to a standard acceptable to each Municipality.
- To maintain and enhance relationships with each member Municipality, First Nations communities, and other organizations to pursue opportunities for regional benefit and to work together to resolve issues.
- To avoid and minimize potential land use conflicts.
The Commission meets regularly and at one of our first meeting in 2008 we created our slogan for the valley. “4 LAKES 4 SEASONS 4 EVERYONE”. This slogan gives the Commission the jurisdiction to consider all concerns in the valley because the lakes are key to our heritage, culture, recreation and economics. These 4 lakes are the essential ingredient in determining the economic welfare of the valley. Businesses in the valley need tourist dollars in order to survive as money from local residents is not enough. Because these lakes are the essential ingredient, the condition of these lakes is of major concern to the Commission.
Our Goals
Our goals will provide direction and guidance to the actions and decisions that each municipality in the Calling Lakes Planning District will make. They are the foundation for creating consistency and accountability over the fluctuation of daily changes and decisions.
The following are the goals in which we have set out for our future:
- To preserve and protect the natural beauty of the Qu’Appelle Valley.
- To promote healthy and appropriate growth by creating consistent and general guidelines that protects the natural environment, both land and water, within the Qu’Appelle Valley from unsuitable or harmful development.
- To enhance the existing economic base and attract new opportunities that will support and enhance the lifestyle of the area.
- To create a four season family destination experience with numerous recreational, cultural and heritage opportunities.
- To promote efficient and cost saving development where services and transportation networks to support that development exist or are proposed to a standard acceptable to each Municipality.
- To maintain and enhance relationships with each member Municipality, First Nations Communities, and other organizations to pursue opportunities for regional benefit and to work together to resolve issues.
- To avoid and minimize potential land use conflicts.
- To acknowledge the Statements of Provincial Interest.
Our Vision
A vivid idealized description of a desired outcome that inspires, energizes and helps you create a mental picture of your target.
“4 Lakes, 4 Seasons, 4 Everyone”
Four Season family destination experience with recreational, cultural and heritage opportunities. Let’s link together!
Mission Statement
“Our communities are working together as a collective to create healthy lifestyles for residents and visitors. We will work together to provide year round recreational opportunities, services and to create an attractive place to live, work, play and carry on business. We will strive to find a sense of balance in the environment including land and water, rich historical, cultural, heritage and economical dimensions of our communities. We will make decisions that consider the long term needs of these dimensions to ensure a healthy way of life for current and future residents and visitors.”
The following are key values that the Calling Lakes Planning District Commission would like people to see the District stand and/or strive for:
- Jewel of the Valley: To promote our District as the heart of the Qu’Appelle Valley.
- Green: Sustainable and balanced development is vital for the growth surrounding the Valley, Lakes and Hillsides.
- Recreational Mecca: We will promote healthy and active lifestyles by encouraging year round activities.
- Beautiful: We will work with nature to enhance the natural beauty in an aesthetically pleasing way.
- Welcoming: We will continue to enhance and support services and work with other organizations to create a region where people feel welcome to live, work and play.
- Viable: We will encourage environmentally friendly economic opportunities and promote balanced development that fosters business opportunities that are accessible and compatible with the environment.
- Cooperative: We are dedicated to exhibit true cooperation with communities, organizations and First Nation Communities for the long term benefit of the District.
Minutes from Regular Meetings for Calling Lakes District Planning Commission
2020 Minutes
2019 Minutes
- January 8, 2019
- March 12, 2019
- April 9, 2019
- May 14, 2019
- June 11, 2019
- August 13, 2019
- September 10, 2019
- October 8, 2019
- November 12, 2019
- December 10, 2019
2018 Minutes
- January 9, 2018
- February 13, 2018
- March 13, 2018
- April 10, 2018
- May 8, 2018
- June 12, 2018
- August 14, 2018
- September 11, 2018
- November 13, 2018
2017 Minutes
- January 18, 2017
- February 14, 2017
- March 14, 2017
- April 11, 2017
- May 9, 2017
- June 12, 2017
- July 11, 2017
- August 8, 2017
- September 12, 2017
- October 18, 2017
- November 14, 2017
2016 Minutes
- April 5, 2016
- May 24, 2016
- June 28, 2016
- August 9, 2016
- September 13, 2016
- October 12, 2016
- November 15, 2016