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Applications and Forms


Building and Development Permits

A permit is required before any building or development (including excavation) takes place in the RM. Professional Building Inspections Inc. (PBI) forms are available online for your convenience!

It is the responsibility of the ratepayer to ensure compliance with the Building Bylaw of the municipality and with any other applicable bylaws, acts and regulations regardless of any plan review or inspections that may or may not be carried out by the Council or its authorized representative.

  • For current building information, requirements and forms visit the PBI Website
  • All forms must be submitted directly to the RM office by email or in person

However, permits are not required for:

  •     Fences – 6′ and under
  •     Accessory buildings less than 100 sq. ft. (9 sq. metres) (2 story accessory buildings require a permit)
  •     Maintenance or repair of a building provided there are no structural alterations

Provincial Highway Roadside Development Permit

When building a structure, planting trees, constructing approaches or excavating near a provincial highway, you may need a roadside development permit.

A permit is needed for any work within 90 metres (m) (approximately 295 feet) of the property line (or right-of-way edge) of a provincial highway. This is done to:

  • Keep sight lines clear and provide safe driving;
  • Leave space for future highway improvements;
  • Control snow drifting; and
  • Maintain the integrity of the highway.

You can find more information on the application process here.


Applications and Forms